Opening Remarks


Opening Keynote

Navigating the Upward Spiral for Sensorimotor Learning

Spotlight Talks

Authors of contributions

Coffee Break and Posters

Keynote 1

Advancing Robot Learning: Practical and Societal Impact

Keynote 2

Towards fast and precise sensorimotor skill learning

Keynote 3

Towards Deployable Robot Learning Systems

Lunch Break

Keynote 4

Bridging the Embodiment Gap

Keynote 5

Contact Synthesis Across Diverse Robots, Objects, and Tasks:
Advancing Towards a Foundation Model for
General-Purpose Robotic Manipulation

Keynote 6

Mobile Manipulation Skills and Why We Need Them

Spotlight Talks

Authors of contributions

Coffee Break and Posters

Where should we head to in learning manipulation skills?

Closing Remarks
